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Joomla update error , Update: :Extension: Could not open

Joomla update error , Update: :Extension: Could not open   Well followed this method to fix it in Joomla 3.5.0, it was caused due to https, 1) Go to Joomla update , will get a error as above. 2) with above page open , simultaneously Go to Joomla database , in table db_update_sites , search for 3) Replace with 4) Then click update in front page, It gets updated .  

CSF bloque IP

Please note that cPanel does not develop or manage the firewall on the server, this would be up to you or your System Administrator. As a courtesy, I did a review and found that the IP address was blocked by LFD (part of csf) on the 13th for failed FTP login attempts: [19:45:42 mail root@ ~]cPs# csf -g Table  Chain            num  pkts bytes target    prot opt in    out    source              destination filter DENYIN          129    17  884 DROP      all  --  !lo    * filter DENYOUT          129      0    0 LOGDROPOUT  all  --  *      !lo   ip6tables: Table...


 Fiche Métier : Devops Le DevOps se situe au carrefour de deux fonctions indépendantes : celles du développeur qui crée une application (le "Dev"), et celles de l’administrateur qui se charge de la déployer et de l’exploiter (l’"Ops"). Plus qu’un métier, le DevOps est quasiment un courant de pensée qui tend à modifier la vision traditionnelle de l’informatique. Comment devenir Devops ? Retrouvez ici les missions, formation nécessaire, rémunération de cette profession. Mission du métier : Devops Parce qu’il englobe deux fonctions, le métier de DevOps regroupe les missions du développeur et celles de l’administrateur système. En tant que DevOps, dans un premier temps, vous créez des applications ou des sites web qui répondent précisément aux besoins des entreprises à partir d’un cahier des charges. Dans un second temps, vous garantissez le bon fonctionnement de ces solutions une fois lancées, et tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Ce faisant, vous serez chargé(e) de : ...

Permission "hmlcom" parceque il estait uploader en ROOT

  How to change ownership of a file or directory Quant tu upload un compte via ROOT, le compte HMLCOM perd ces droit  Thank you for your reply back! Yes, if you want to update the user and group on all files in the public_html, then you would be able to do the command you had set up earlier: chown -R hspcom:hspcom /home/hmlcom/public_html I hope that this information is helpful! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and we will be happy to assist you further if needed.

Comment supprimer le message «Le site web que vous allez ouvrir est trompeur »

  Comment supprimer le message «Le site web que vous allez ouvrir est trompeur » Google met en liste noire plus de 10 000 sites chaque jour. Il est difficile de vous concentrer sur la réparation de votre site Web piraté lorsque tous vos visiteurs ne peuvent pas y accéder. Ce tutoriel vous aide  à supprimer cet avertissements Google afin que vous puissiez restaurer votre site Web. Mon site affiche «Le site web que vous allez ouvrir est trompeur » Si vous avez le message ci-dessous quand vous ouvrez votre site web c'est qu'il est sur la liste noire de Google, celui-ci a analysé votre site et a détecté un comportement nocif.  Cette grande page de garde en rouge  est conçue pour empêcher les visiteurs d'accéder à votre site.  La page d'avertissement rouge renvoit à une autre page décrivant les raisons pour lesquelles le site Web est mis sur liste noire par Google.  mais il existe toujours un autre lien pour que vous puissiez  ...

Problem login in to console for EVA 4400

  I am able to login using  which gives me StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array window.When i am trying to use  its not able to get in. we need to reboot the management module

beaucoup de SPAM

  I have confirmed access to the provided server, and I am familiarizing myself with your ticket request. While this ticket is being reviewed, we ask that you do not work on your server except in emergency situations, so as to not cause any conflicts. Please make sure to check your email in case we require access to any information that may assist us in resolving your issue. After a quick review, I noticed that the SPF record is set to soft fail ~all This will need to be adjusted as it appears the majority of the spam is due to people pretending to send on behalf of XXXXX.DZ  and using different servers to do so. With a soft fail, this prevents most servers from denying the mail outright due to a lack of "permission checking" and the mail you are receiving is a result of the "bounces" because the server is not confirming or denying that it is permitted to send. For more information about SPF records, please refer to the link below. SPF records: Hard Fa...

activer la vérification DKIM


The service “httpd” appears to be down. CHECK APACH

  The problem isn't necessarily with one site on the server, or with any certain user accessing the site too many times, but a total of the number of connections available to Apache. One of my favorite ways to monitor Apache usage is with the "apachectl status" or "apachectl fullstatus" command, depending on how much information you'd like to receive about the current connections.  Once you take a look at that data we have an article about using that information to determine more about the Apache resources here: Understanding the Apache scoreboard We also have an article about doing some additional troubleshooting with the Max Request Workers area here: How do I troubleshoot Apache Max Request Workers errors? so between those two pages that should give you a good start and tracking down the usage.  It's best to try and do this as soon as possible as you notice the problem on the machine for the best results.

les étapes nécessaires pour disposer du paiement en ligne

#Ecommerce   #paiementenligne   #algérie J'ai résumé les étapes nécessaires pour disposer du paiement en ligne sur votre  #siteweb  en  #Algérie : 1.  #Choix  d'une banque partenaire (celle qui accepte le e-paiement). 2.  #Contrat  de vente par Internet entre la banque et le Webmarchand 3.  #Certification  technique auprès de la SATIM qui vous sera accordé si le site web marchand respecte toutes les exigences techniques nécessaires à son bon fonctionnement. 4.  #Autorisation  émise par le GIE Monétique (https:// #Bonus  : Liste des sites web marchands certifiés:

Check CPU nexsus

show system resources  Command Use this command in order to display system-related CPU and memory statistics. switch#show system resources Load average: 1 minute: 0.36 5 minutes: 0.39 15 minutes: 0.44 Processes : 1068 total, 1 running CPU states : 0.5% user, 5.5% kernel, 94.0% idle Memory usage: 8245436K total, 3289920K used, 4955516K free Current memory status: OK Field Description Load Number of processes that are running. The average reflects the system load over the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes. Processes Number of processes in the system and how many processes are actually running when the command is issued. CPU status CPU usage percentage in user mode, kernel mode, and idle time in the last one second. For a dual-core Supervisor, CPU is averaged across both cores. Memory usage Total memory, used memory, free memory, m...

WS 2016 Forced password change at next logon le mot de passe de l'utilisateur doit être modifié avant la première connexion Forced password change at next logon and RDP Posted on   26 December, 2015 by   Tom Aafloen If your AD account has the “ User must change password at next logon ” option enabled: and you try to logon to a RDP session (with correct credentials): you might encounter this error message: “You must change your password before logging on the first time. Please update your password or contact your system administrator or technical support.” This is a classic catch 22 issue: You have to logon to change you password, but you cannot logon until you’ve changed you password. If you have access to a “normal” network connected Windows client you can change the password that way, but what if you only have RDP access? Client side Well, if the server allows it, you can temporary disable “Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP)” in the RPD cli...