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Open Media Vault NAS change password

Known Root Password

  1. Login to the OMV using the root user and the current password via SSH or Console
  2. enter the following command
    passwd root
The new password is now active.

Unknown Root Password, but Admin Access to OMV GUI is Available

In this scenario we still can help ourselves with the GUI. The method we use is, that we create a cron job for the root user which then resets the password.
  1. Navigate to System -> Cron Jobs
  2. Press the +Add button
  3. UN-tick the enabled box, so that the cronjob does not run automatically.
  4. put into the command field the following line, replace newpasswd with your password:
    echo "root:newpasswd" | chpasswd
  5. press okay
  6. select the newly created cron job
  7. Click the run button.
  8. in the opening window click the start button. It will shortly deactivate and activate again.
  9. open ssh or console and login as root with your new password.

Root and Admin Password Unknown

If you do not know the root password, you need to boot with a Linux live CD like Knoppix or SystemRescueCD
  1. Download a linux boot cd like SystemRescueCD
  2. Boot from the SystemRescueCD
  3. Enter the following commands:
     mkdir /omvroot
     mount /dev/sda1 /omvroot
     cd /omvroot/etc
  4. Edit with your preferred editor (nano/vim) the file /omvroot/etc/shadow
    vi /omvroot/etc/shadow
  5. You will see a line like this (first line) (your encrypted key will be much longer than this)
  6. Remove everything between the first and second ':' which is in this example 'dsfDSDF!s'. The line should look like this:
  7. Final steps:
    cd /
    umount /omvroot
  8. Now connect to OMV via ssh or console and login as root.


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