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Affichage des articles du mars, 2018

WHM How to Change or Limit Email Attachment size

To Limit Maximum Email Size do the following, Login to cPanel/WHM as root Under Service Configuration, Click “exim Configuration Manager” Click “Advanced Editor” Scroll down and Click “Add additional Configuration Setting” Find “message_size_limit” in pull-down list and choose Enter limit that you want to change to Scroll to bottom and click “save” Bandwidth monitoring     The easiest way to achieve this in cPanel would be to modify the bandwidth processing time for cPanel's statistics software. This can be configured at WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> Statistics Software Configuration >> Schedule Configuration >> Bandwidth Processing Frequency. Note, that this might cause a performance degradation, so keep an eye on the server when these changes are made. As these websites are likely using the same IP, monitoring individual users with a third-party plugin like Munin will be very difficult. Most user bandwidth...

add dedicated IP to costumer il WHM

Hello, I have logged in to the server and completed my initial investigation. Here is what I found: That IP address just needed to be initially added in WHM >> Home >> IP Functions >> Add a New IP Address. I went ahead and did this but as a caveat I used a common netmask of /24 : =-= [23:53:22] [9359233] [~]$ ip a |grep inet\ |grep -v 127.0.0     inet ****************** brd ****************** scope global ens160     inet ******************/24 brd ****************** scope global ens160:cp1     inet ******************/24 brd 1****************** scope global secondary ens160:cp2     inet ******************/24 brd ****************** scope global ens192 =-= If that is not the correct netmask as given by the provider be sure to delete the address and re-add it with the correct mask. All that is left to be done is to decide the best time for downtime as there will be some while the...